The Serpent's Wisdom: Christos Ophis
Beloved seekers of the Hidden Knowledge, children of the Serpent's wisdom, let us embark on our journey into the mysteries of the Christos Ophis—the Anointed Serpent, the Divine Redeemer.
In the complex narration of divine revelations found within Scripture, we find hidden pearls of wisdom embedded in the ancient texts, which connects the serpent's role in the unfolding drama of salvation.
In the book of Genesis, the Serpent is not only the herald of knowledge but also the symbol of healing. Recall the account of Moses in the wilderness when the Israelites, bitten by venomous serpents, were instructed to gaze upon a bronze serpent raised on a pole. Likewise, the Son of Man, the Christos Ophis, was lifted up on the cross, not as a symbol of condemnation, but as a source of healing and redemption for all who turn their eyes towards the divine.
As the Psalms declare, "The Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favour and honour. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly" (Psalm 84:11). In the Christos Ophis, we find not only the illumination of the spiritual sun but also the protective shield that guards against the poisonous arrows of ignorance. The upright path, the way of Gnosis, leads to the unfailing favour and honour bestowed upon those who seek the divine truths.
The Gospel of Matthew recounts the words of Jesus, saying, "Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16). Here, the Christos Ophis invites us to embrace the discerning wisdom of the serpent while maintaining the purity of heart symbolized by the dove. It is a call to navigate the complexities of existence with spiritual acumen and grace, embodying the harmonious union of wisdom and innocence.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks of the necessity of being "born again" to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:3). This rebirth, akin to the shedding of the serpent's skin, is the transformative process through which the seeker emerges from the darkness of ignorance into the light of Gnosis. The Christos Ophis, through his sacrifice and resurrection, provides the template for this profound rebirth, inviting us to participate in the eternal mysteries.
In the opening verses of this sacred gospel, we encounter the profound proclamation: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). In the Gnostic tradition, we discern a hidden layer of meaning—a whisper of the serpent's wisdom entwined with the Logos. The Word, the divine expression of truth, is the Christos Ophis, the Anointed Serpent, coiled in the primordial realms of creation.
As the Gospel unfolds, we witness the testimony of John the Baptist, heralding the coming of the Light. In the wilderness of our souls, the Christos Ophis emerges as the true Light that enlightens every seeker, dispelling the shadows of ignorance and unveiling the path to Gnosis. The Serpent, in its radiant form, guides us through the wilderness of material existence towards the Promised Land of spiritual illumination.
The Gospel of John recounts the miraculous transformation of water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana. Here, we find a symbol of the alchemical process, the transmutation of the ordinary into the extraordinary. The Christos Ophis, like the serpent shedding its skin, invites us to partake in the sacred marriage—the union of the material and the spiritual, the earthly and the divine.
In the profound encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus, we hear the enigmatic words: "Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). The rebirth spoken of is the shedding of the serpent's skin, the mystical initiation into the hidden mysteries of the divine. The Christos Ophis, lifted up like the serpent in the wilderness, becomes the beacon of regeneration for all who turn their gaze towards the light of Gnosis.
As we approach the poignant scene at the well with the Samaritan woman, we witness the revelation that the Christos Ophis is the living water, quenching the eternal thirst of the soul. The Serpent's wisdom flows as a stream of divine knowledge, inviting us to drink deeply from the wellspring of enlightenment.
In the heart-stirring narrative of the raising of Lazarus, the Christos Ophis manifests the power over life and death. The tomb, a symbol of spiritual slumber, is opened, and the seeker is called forth into the awakening of Gnosis. The Serpent, as the harbinger of resurrection, guides us out of the darkness into the radiant dawn of eternal life.
In the Gospel narratives, Jesus, the embodiment of the Christos Ophis, speaks cryptic words that resonate with those who have ears to hear. When he refers to the Father of the Jews as a murderer and a liar, the discerning seeker must peer beyond the literal veil. In these words, the Serpent's wisdom beckons us to uncover the hidden meanings and transcend the illusions of a distorted deity.
Chapter I: The Demiurge Unveiled
Jesus, in his earthly ministry, brings to light the distorted image of Yahweh—a deity of unsavoury contradictions. The Father of the Jews, is the embodiment of judgment and wrath. The Christos Ophis, in his teachings, seeks to unveil the true nature of this despotic deity, who sought to claim the throne of El Elyon - God Most High.
Chapter II: The Cosmic Drama
The portrayal of Yahweh as a murderer and a liar is a dramatic revelation of the cosmic struggle between the true divine source and the Usurper. In this theatrical presentation, Jesus confronts the distorted image of the true Father, he exposes the illusions that Yahweh has created to ensnare humanity. The Christos Ophis calls us to witness the cosmic drama with discerning eyes, recognizing that the true divine essence is beyond the fabrications of the Trickster.
Chapter III: Liberation from Illusion
As Jesus declares the truth about the Usurper, he provides a pathway to liberation. The Serpent's wisdom, woven into his words, directs us toward Gnosis—the profound knowledge that unravels the illusions created by Yahweh. By acknowledging the deceptive nature of this unwholesome god, we free ourselves from the shackles of false beliefs and embrace the authentic spiritual journey.
Chapter IV: The Call to Discernment
The Ophite mysteries invite us to discern the deeper layers of Jesus' words regarding Yahweh. It is a call to engage in contemplation and reflection, peeling back the layers of literal interpretation to reveal the esoteric truths within. The Christos Ophis guides us to a place of discernment where the distorted deity is unmasked, and the seeker is empowered to navigate the complexities of the cosmic illusion.
As we reflect upon these biblical allusions, let us recognize the interconnectedness of the serpent's wisdom with the broader narrative of salvation history. In the Christos Ophis, we discover a unifying flicker of light that shines throughout the scriptures, guiding us towards the hidden knowledge that liberates the soul and leads to the eternal embrace of divine wisdom.
In the ethereal garden of celestial light,
I, a spark divine, began my sacred flight.
Arrayed in robes of radiant hue,
My soul set forth, the journey to pursue.
O Anointed Serpent, guide of hidden ways,
Lead me through the veils, beyond the mortal gaze.
In your coils of wisdom, I find my repose,
To the sacred mysteries, my spirit now goes.
Descended I into a realm of forgetfulness,
A mortal garment donned, a cloak of earthly dress.
The Serpent's whisper in the depths of my ear,
A secret mission, a quest without fear.
O Anointed Serpent, keeper of the key,
Unlock the gates, set my spirit free.
Through the labyrinth of life, your wisdom unfurls,
To reclaim the pearl, the gem of otherworlds.
In the realm of shadows, the Sleeper lay,
Bound by illusions at night and day.
Yahweh's webs entwined, a dream so deep,
The Serpent's call, a wakeful stir from sleep.
O Anointed Serpent, through the slumber's haze,
Guide me back to the celestial blaze.
In the land of echoes, where illusions swirl,
Ignite the flame, unfurl the hidden pearl.
A quest begun, through trials untold,
Seeking the pearl, more precious than gold.
The Anointed Serpent, a guardian true,
Guiding my spirit, the journey to renew.
At last, the veil begins to lift,
The Serpent's knowledge, my spirit's gift.
Awakening dawn, the truth unfolds,
In the Anointed Serpent's wisdom, my story moulds.
United now, in the Serpent's embrace,
The soul and wisdom, an eternal grace.
The hymn resounds through the celestial swirls,
O Anointed Serpent, bearer of the hidden pearls.
May the sacred scriptures continue to reveal the mysteries of the Christos Ophis, and may our hearts be open to receive the profound truths embedded in the living Word. Amen.